Thursday Morning Mindbender


25% of people say they have eaten THIS while drinking.   What is it??

To play along and then find out if you were right, listen to all of the audio below, including the song, which contains a hint!!  😉

Be sure to tune in weekdays at 8:30 am. to hear more Morning Mindbenders with Justin and Malone on the Ranch!


Previous Morning Mindbenders:


Question: 52% of women say a real man should not be scared of THIS.  What is it??

Answer: spiders



Question: 66% of people do this on vacation, but they don’t do it at home when they are not on vacation.  What is it??

Answer: Order dessert at a restaurant



Question: 31% of married women believe their husband has done this at least once behind their back.  What is it???

Answer: Left work to go play golf